Conversion Tracking

Set up tracking for your Adfenix campaigns to measure conversions on your property pages.

Realforce Admin avatar
Written by Realforce Admin
Updated over a week ago

Determine how many of your conversions originated from your Adfenix campaigns. Conversion tracking is also used to enhance the targeting of your Adfenix campaigns.

Once the Adfenix script is loaded on your page the following functions will be available on the global scope.


Performs conversion tracking. The conversion tracking will then be used to perform advanced targeting and to create statistics on how many conversions were generated from your Adfenix campaign based on the utm tags present.


String. Mandatory. One of the following values:


Used for forms/buttons where a visitor books a valuation / appraisal


Used for forms/buttons where a visitor books a showing / viewing


Used for buttons/hyperlinks where a visitor clicks for phone number & email


Used for forms/buttons where a visitor requests to be contacted


Used for buttons/hyperlinks where a visitor downloads more information


Used for forms/buttons where a visitor submits information in order to download more information

Plain example

if (window.adfenix) {

jQuery button listener example

$( ".book-showing-button" ).click(function() {
if (window.adfenix) {

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