Ad types

Here is a detailed description of our different ad types

Realforce Admin avatar
Written by Realforce Admin
Updated over a week ago

Link ads

Facebook link ads are single image advertisements that help promote your property page, agent page or desired landing page. They can have different placements, for example Facebook news feed or Instagram.

Design recommendations

  • Image type: JPG or PNG

  • Image sizes: 1080x1080, 1200x628

  • Primary text (message): 125 characters

  • Headline: 40 characters

  • Description: 20 characters

Album ads

Is a multiple image advertisement that help promote your property page, agent page or desired landing page. An album ad, contains, a cover image and three additional smaller images. They can have different placements, for example, Facebook news feed or Instagram and are always published as Public posts.

Design recommendations

  • Image type: JPG or PNG

  • Image sizes: 1080x1080, 1200x628

  • Primary text (message): 125 characters

  • Headline: 40 characters

  • Description: 20 characters

Carousel Ads

The Carousel format allows you to display 2 or more images in one single ad. It is similar to link ads as it feature title, description, links and Call to Action.

People can scroll through the carousel ad by swiping on their mobile devices or by clicking the arrows on the computer screen.

Design recommendations

  • Image type: JPG or PNG

  • Image sizes: 1080x1080, 1200x628

  • Primary text (message): 125 characters

  • Headline: 40 characters

  • Description: 20 characters

Video ads

As its name suggests, video link ads are a form of Facebook link ads, using video instead of an image. These ads also appear in the news feed, audience network, and Instagram.

Technical requirements for Video Ads

  • Maximum video size: 1GB

  • Maximum duration: 200 sec

  • Minimum width: 120 pixels

  • Minimum height: 120 pixels

There are five components for all ad types, which work together to attract potential leads. When placed in the news feed, ads should include:

Image / Video

Visual components play a significant role in driving attention and ultimately determines how your ad performs.


Including text to accompany the image and headline is recommended to explain the offer.


Informs the reader what your advertisement is about.

Link description

Additional information about the link’s destination and what the reader can expect after clicking through.

CTA, Call-To-Action button

Encourages the reader to take the next step. The option available is “Read more”.

Tips from our ad expert team

✔︎ Keep in mind that shorter text gives more effect - Images that are not covered by text have a greater effect, so focus on the most important details

✔︎ Use high-resolution images - Pay attention to the size and quality of the media files you are working on, feel free to follow Face Books recommendations for the best results

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